Saturday, February 5, 2011


We don't fit in our residence anymore. The result: stuff everywhere. It drives me nuts. I'm not a clean freak, but I like everything to be put away before I go to bed every night (something I fear I've inherited from my mother.) When you shove three people into a little 2 bedroom townhouse, you can't put everything away every night. There is no 'away.' I have varying degrees of frustration with this.

On a related note, it seems that after being married to him for over 2 years, I have only recently discovered that my husband hates his socks. I mean, he wears them and all, but at some point in the evening, no matter where he is, he will decide he just can't take it anymore, remove his socks, and throw them in the floor. Somehow I missed this for over two years, but I am now happening upon his socks in all kinds of places. A little annoying some days, but really we just laugh at how oblivious I was to this habit.

So this morning I was lamenting on our incredibly over-stuffed and messy house. Then I went upstairs and saw my husbands socks. And I thought, "There may come a day when I wish those socks were being discarded all over the house still." And then I thought that one day I (or my husband and I) may live somewhere else, someplace where we have room to put everything away. And our house stays nice and neat. And it's boring and quiet.

And I decided, it's not so bad being messy.

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