Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It was a year ago today that our lives changed forever.
It was a year ago today that the 2 of us found out we were going to be the 3 of us.
And we were utterly shocked.

I had been told for years and years that I would have so much trouble getting pregnant, and even if I did get pregnant, I would have a hard time carrying to term. I would almost certainly miscarry.

I wonder if God laughed every time I was told that.

You see, after a mere month or so of not preventing pregnancy, I got pregnant. And I carried to term. And 9 days more. And had to be induced. And they had to go in and get him. 24 hours later.

God knew all along that Liam would be a part of our family. He always knew.

My heart is so full today. Thank you, God, for this immeasurable blessing. We don't deserve him, but we are so thankful for him.

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